New Vision Team

What did our ministry look like ten years ago? Five years ago? What will it look like in five more years? Ten? Since we have bounced back from the pandemic, we have managed to get our ministry productive again.  Our outreach programs are running smoothly and we are continuing to impact our community around us once again.

So what now? Where do we go from here? It’s time to prayerfully think about our future once more. What does our staffing look like, where do kids and youth fit in, where is God leading us to break new ground?

Do these thoughts excite you? If so, we are looking for a few disciples to join a vision team and begin to seek God’s guidance for our future. This is the dreaming only phase. We really need to hear the voice of some of the MEN in our fellowship. 

There is a sign up sheet on the organ seat. Please add your name. We will begin meeting in July.