Community Garden

Food for the Soul

In 2014 First Congregational Community Church began our community garden. Each spring, summer, and fall, we plant for seasonal harvests of God’s delicious creations.

Weekly, the produce is picked and gathered and given to the Rockton Food Pantry.

So often, those in need receive many processed and packaged foods.  It is our desire to provide them with fresh vegetables and recipes to provide the opportunity to eat healthy and to teach their children about the goodness of  fresh produce.

The garden is open to our entire community and anyone who happens to pass on by is welcome to help themselves to anything ripe for the picking!

Well, five out of the six beds are ready for winter. Kale and spinach continue to thrive in the cool (ok, cold) temperatures, and will be harvested as long as possible. Again, a hearty THANK YOU to all our garden helpers, enjoy the break, Spring is right around the corner 😊. Peace and Blessings, Holly

 If able to help with future seminars or with the garden, please contact us.

Not only does the garden enhance our food pantry mission but it also is a strong connection to the community at large.  Suggestions and observations as well as specific veggie requests are welcome.